ACLU Employs Terrorism Apologist for 9/11-Related Job:

I’ve now confirmed with the ACLU that Matt Bowles’ official title with the ACLU is “National 9-11 Field Organizer.” Mr. Bowles is author of a remarkable anti-Israel article which at best apologizes for terrorism against Israel, and at worst, and as I read it, endorses terrorism against Israel. (He endorses the “Second Intifada,” accuses Israel of having a “colonial apartheid regime” and states that until Israel capitulates to all of the Palestinians’ demands, including an unlimited “right of return” which will inherently destroy Israel, there will be “no peace for Israel”; all talk of peace until then is just “hype.”)

If the ACLU is going to employ individuals who apologize for/support terrorism to work on 9-11 related issues it will, and it should, lose credibility on those issues.

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