Israel-Lebanon Roundup:

Krauthammer is must-read.

Richard Cohen’s blood is boiling.

Efraim Inbar, one the more lucid Israeli scholars on strategic issues, says Israel needs to be going after Syria.

In a “flying pig” moment, a U.N. official criticizes Hezbollah for hiding behind civilians.

Yalla Ya Nasrallah. An appropriately militant, and quite catchy, Hebrew YouTube music video.

CNN reports that Haifa, targeted by Hezbollah missles, is a “ghost town.” The media reports that Haifa is “Israel’s third-largest city,” but neglects the context that Israel only has five or six large cities (Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, Tiberias, Be’ersheva, Ashdod, and Haifa), where most of the population lives. To get perspective, imagine if CNN was reporting that California is a deserted ghost town.

Hezbollah dating service (humor).

I can’t vouch for its authenticity, but this footage shows U.N. ambulances in Gaza giving a lift to Palestinian terrorists in the middle of a battle. But a U.N. force will keep the peace in Lebanon. Right. [A reader tracks this footage back to 2004, but the point still stands.]

As this article among others I’ve seen suggests, Israel has a substantial fifth column problem with a significant percentage of its Arab population, especially in the Galilee where the populations don’t mix much. I don’t think Israeli Jews are going to forget all the sympathy expressed for Nasrallah, and the impact on Jewish-Arab relations will be severe. Israeli Jews can forgive Israeli Arabs for sympathizing with their Palestinian relatives living under occupation, but not for sympathizing with Lebanese Shiites who attack Israel gratuitously. Look for more and more Israelis to insist that any future Palestinian state include Israeli Arab towns near the border.

UPDATE: In another flying pig moment, the usually very dovish Ha’aretz is publishing opinion pieces by its writers like this one that outhawk the hawks. In a way, this makes sense, because the doves advocated a withdrawal from South Lebanon, and want further withdrawals of Israel, and if Israel doesn’t defend itself vigorously from territory from which it has withdrawn, the doves will lose all credibility.

There’s a website out there that allows folks to send pizzas to IDF soldiers. It’s a nice gesture, but I asked my wife about it and her opinion was that IDF soldiers are larded with dairy foods, and that they wouldn’t be that excited by pizza. Chocolate, on the other hand, would be a different matter. Coincidentally, I just got an email from a reader who points to a website that allows folks to send IDF soldiers chocolate, along with greetings. And it’s free.

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