More on the Hate Crime Hoax at Claremont:

Last week, I posted a note from one of my students, an alumnus of Claremont McKenna College, expressing his view that activists at the college and its affiliated schools were very disappointed that the “hate crime” reported there turned out to be a hoax, because they had used the hate crime as an excuse to promote a leftist agenda. In this article, professors express exactly such views. For example:

Some professors say the incident could set back their efforts, fueling the side of students who disagree that hate and intolerance are problems on campus. Others maintain the steps taken after the initial discovery of the car were positive, and hope students will recognize a climate hostile to diversity exists regardless of whether the charges against Dunn are true.
I’ve read many articles about the alleged “hostile environment” at the Claremont Colleges, many noting a “string” of racist incidents on campus. This string turns out to be drunken students setting fire to cross stolen from a building at Harvey Mudd College–the students (UPDATE: apparently convincingly) claiming it was a prank and they were unaware of the racial implications of their action–and a racial slur written on a calendar, perpetrator apparently not apprehended.

That’s it. Two racial incidents at five colleges, none directed at particular students (UDPATE: and one apparently actually just random vandalism). Thousands of people attend and work at these schools. That a few of them are louts or fools hardly makes “a climate hostile to diversity.” No, what allegedly makes the “climate hostile to diversity” is that the campus racialist left has met some resistance in implementing its agenda, and it isn’t above using the worst forms of demagoguery–including taking advantage of what appeared to be a “hate crime”–to overcome that resistance.

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