Are You a UCLA Law School Graduate Interested in Clerking?

If so, drop me an e-mail (volokh at or call me (310-206-3926). Quite a few of our graduates go into clerking two, three, or more years after graduating, and we’d love to help. We’ll give you advice on whether to do it, on where to apply, and on whom to ask for letters of recommendation; we’ll help get you back in touch with your recommenders; we’ll even ghost-write your writing sample and take the interview for you OK, we won’t do that, but we’ll do a lot to help.

I’m the chair of the Clerkship Committee this year, but I’m happy to help with such matters any year, as is the fabulous Malini Nangia at Career Services. Helping people get clerkships is a joint faculty-administration endeavor, and both the faculty and the administration are committed to it and work hard at it. So if you’re interested, or even interested in finding out whether you should be interested, please let me know!

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