Australian Official Nominates the Father of a Terrorist Detainee for “Father of the Year.”–

Jon Stanhope, the head of the Australian Capital Territory (and a Labor Party leader) has nominated Australian Terry Hicks for “Father of the Year.” Terry is the father of David Hicks, who was arrested in 2001 while fighting for the Taliban (against coalition forces including Australia).

THE father of terrorist suspect David Hicks has been nominated as Australian father of the year by ACT [Australian Capital Territory] chief minister Jon Stanhope.

Mr Stanhope compared Terry Hicks to Steve Waugh, Prime Minister John Howard and former leader Billy McMahon — all former fathers of the year.

The chief minister said Mr Hicks had stuck by his son, advocated justice and did it with grace — all qualities of a good dad.

“But the anguish of that news must have been nothing compared to the relentless pain and uncertainty that Terry Hicks has experienced every day since, as he tries, from afar, to support his son,” Mr Stanhope said.

“That Terry Hicks has continued to behave during this terrible time with such public stoicism and courtesy and strength is a lesson to all.”

I can understand considerable sympathy for the Terry (it must be painful to raise a son who would take up arms against his own country), but giving the father an award for parenting seems an odd suggestion.

Tip to Tim Blair, who dryly observes: “Well deserved, too. After all, he did such a fine job of raising the boy.”

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