Gotta Give Bush Lots of Credit for This One:

“Any country has the right to defend itself from terror. Israel has the right to defend herself from terror. And as she does so, I hope she keeps consequences in mind as to how to make sure we stay on the path to peace,” Bush said in his first public comment on Monday’s assassination of Hamas leader Ahmed Yassin. From Reuters, via Little Green Footballs.

Reuters, by the way, can’t seem to help itself, and blatantly editorializes in the midst of its news story: “Yassin’s killing was a major setback to the U.S. ‘road map’ to Middle East peace, already mired in tit-for-tat violence.” I don’t recall anything in the road map that required Israel to sit back and allow its citizens to be murdered by Hamas, as happened last week in Ashdod. And the idea that the roadmap itself is worth anything so long as Arafat–who didn’t hesitate to praise Yassin as a martyr who is on his way to heaven–remains in control of the Palestinian security services is a joke, and a pretense that the Bush Administration itself doesn’t entertain.

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