Sunday Song Lyrics:

Celebrating performance (or at least potential) over credentials, Jim Chen invokes Liz Phair — thus ensuring his candidacy for coolest professor in the legal academy. Chen quoted a line from Phair’s “Rock Me” (off her somewhat disappointing self-titled album) — all potential with no credentials — to advance a case for more meritocratic assessment of law faculties, and perhaps suggest how schools should evaluate prospective faculty hires at the AALS Faculty Recruitment Conference. Phair’s lyrics evince a clear preference for rookie potential over credentials or lateral experience, but she’s talking about a “meat market” of a different type.

Oh baby, you’re young, but that’s ok. What’s give or take nine years, anyway?
I’ll bet your last cigarette you won’t regret my time
I want to be with a guy like you, so uncomplicated, so in tune
Just take off my dress, let’s mess with everybody’s mind. I’ve gotta tell you . . .

I want to play Xbox on your floor, say hi to your roommate who’s next door
You don’t have a dime, but I don’t mind. Who gives a damn?
Your record collection don’t exist. You don’t even know who Liz Phair is.
Pure potential with no credentials …
Your Mama taught you how to be a sensitive man
I’ve gotta tell you . . .

You think I’m a genius, think I’m cool
I’m starting to think that young guys rule
Oh God, let me save you, life might change you, and I might change my mind . . .

Although her more recent albums are less powerful than her earlier work, Phair can still pen a powerful song. Lyrics from her last three albums can be found on her site.

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