Sherwin-Williams, “No. 1 Terrorist Organization”??

In recent weeks I’ve received postcards attacking the “terrorism” of Sherwin-Williams. With “Sherwin-Williams No. 1 Terrorist Organization” emblazoned across the top, each postcard makes vague allegations that the company “steals copyrighted product,” and seeks “to slander, defame, file false testimony,” and file legal proceedings “to deny Miles his 1st and 6th Amendments.” Sherwin-Williams and its “co-conspirators” are “aborting the Bill of Rights,” the postcards declare.

After receiving several of these postcards, I’m still left with the question of what is it, precisely, that Sherwin-Williams is supposed to have done? How precisely is a private company denying someone his constitutional rights? How does this make Sherwin-Williams a “terrorist” organization? And who is “Miles”? Any insight on ths would be appreciated.

UPDATE: I should add that part of what peaked my interest in these postcards is that they are pre-preprinted, sent with printed labels, and each one is identical (save one that included a hand-written note that did not add any clarity). From this I concluded this is not a one-off odd letter (I get penty of those), but something that is being mass mailed to lots of people — presumably some of whom know more about this than I do.

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