Hey, It’s For Charity!:

Those of us who write for the VC blog got an interesting offer the other day from the folks setting up a new online karaoke site at singshot.com the other day: If we recorded and posted one of our own karaoke performances, they’d donate $500 bucks to a charity of our choice. What a deal! My fellow conspirators seems to have let their pride and good taste get in the way, but not me! Here’s my song — a not-as-inspired-as-the-original-but not altogether-terrible version of the great Dusty Springfield hit I Only Want to Be with You.
And wait, there’s more! If any VC readers go to the site and record something of their own, Singshot will add another $1 to their contribution. [To get the credit, pu “VC Blog” in the tag attached to your recording before you save it on the site]. Come on folks! It’s really easy, takes a few minutes, it actually is fun, and it’s a good cause [my designated charity being the Kinhaven Music School, PO Box 585, Bethlehem PA 18016 – a truly wonderful music-making institution for young kids].

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