Urging a Change in Gun Law — How Shocking! And She’s Not Just a School Board Trustee, But a Woman!

The Globe & Mail (Toronto) reports (some paragraph breaks deleted):

Vancouver school board trustee Sharon Gregson [publicly argues that] Canadians need to broaden their thinking about handgun ownership. “There is a thinking that guns can only be bad and related to crime, and that’s not my experience as a legal gun owner, participating in a gun sport,” Ms. Gregson said, explaining why she decided to get a handgun permit in Utah….

But some of Ms. Gregson’s colleagues have urged the trustee, a married mother of four, to stop shooting her mouth off. Trustee Clarence Hanson said her comments send the wrong message to kids.

“I was quite shocked,” Mr. Hanson said after he heard Ms. Gregson on a morning radio program yesterday, in which she argued in favour of easier access for permits to carry a concealed gun, especially for women who feel threatened. “As a school trustee, my concern is basically, we have a number of children … who sometimes feel harassed and bullied. I don’t want them to get the impression that this is the way to protect yourself,” Mr. Hanson said. “If they get a feeling that a school trustee who represents them thinks it’s okay to protect yourself in this way, … we’re going down a dangerous road, I think.” …

Ms. Gregson said she did not mean to suggest that kids in the school system be urged to carry guns. However, she did suggest that the outcome of the Montreal massacre might have been different if any one of Marc Lepine’s 14 female victims had been carrying a weapon…..

Mr. Hanson said he wants to talk to Ms. Gregson about her comments. “I think when we become a school trustee, you’ve raised the bar a little bit for yourself. So you have to help set an example out there.”

The head of the Canada’s main gun-control lobby[, Wendy Cukier,] denounced Ms. Gregson’s comments as well …. “It’s an absurd comment. It’s completely contrary to Canadian traditions. It has no basis in fact, and for someone who is associated with schools to be making those comments is particularly alarming, especially a woman.” …

Thanks to lawprof Joe Olson for the pointer.

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