Brutal Murder of Palestinian Children:

In December, Israeli forces deliberately murdered the three children of an important Palestinian official while the children were on their way to school. Surprisingly, there has been little worldwide outrage over this incident.

Okay, that’s not exactly what happened. Here’s the edited version: In late December, Israeli Hamas forces deliberately murdered the three children of an important Palestinian [Fatah] official while the children were on their way to school. [Not] Surprisingly, there has been little worldwide outrage over this incident.

As Ze’ev Schiff puts it: “A few months ago, the earth shook when Palestinian civilians were killed by the IDF’s misguided artillery fire on Beit Hanun. Tempers ran high in the United Nations, and leftist organizations in Israel demanded that an international commission of inquiry be established and that the GOC Southern Command be dismissed. When Palestinians kill Palestinian children – and not by accident – no criticism is heard.”

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