Sunday Song Lyric:

It’s Saint Patrick’s Day weekend, and if had been in Boston I would have tried to catch one of the Dropkick Murphy’s celebrated St. Patty’s shows. Given I was home in Hudson, Ohio, making corned beef and cabbage for my wife’s family, I figured I’d share some Dropkick Murphy joy with the VC readership.

I won’t pretend for a minute that their lyrics are particularly profound, but it’s hard not to love this Irish-Celtic-Punk band. As the band explains their mission:

The bands’ main goal is to play music that creates an all for one, one for all environment where everyone is encouraged to participate, sing along, and hopefully have a good time. In the true spirit of punk rock we view the band and the audience as one in the same; in other words our stage and our microphone are yours.

One of their (many) fun raucous drinking songs is “The Dirty Glass” off of the album Blackout. Here’s a performance of it from the Jimmy Kimmel show, and here’s how the lyrics begin:

Murphy, Murphy, darling dear
I long for you now night and day
Your pain was my pleasure, your sorrow my joy
I feel now I’ve lost you to health and good cheer

Darcy, when I met you I was five years too young
A boy beyond his age, or so I’d tell someone
Anyone who’d listen and a few who couldn’t care
Still I welcomed you with open arms, my love I did share

Darcy, Darcy darling dear,
You left me dying, crying there
In whiskey, gin, and pints of beer
I fell for you my darling dear

Those unfamiliar with the Dropkick Murphy’s may recognize this song, “I’m Shipping Up to Boston,” based on poem by Woody Guthrie and featured on the The Departed soundtrack.

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