Sunday Song Lyric:

Bloc Party completely won me over with their 2005 debut album, Silent Alarm. Think of the Buzzcocks with a Bauhaus sensibility and touch of When in Rome. The album was a commercial success and did well across the Atlantic, but never really caught on here.

Bloc Party’s second album, A Weekend in the City, is out now, and I’m digging it as well. It draws on a broader range of influences. Here are the opening lines to “Uniform,” one of my favorite tracks on the new album.

There was a sense of disappointment as we left the mall
All the young people looked the same
Wearing their masks of cool and disinterest
Commerce dressed up as rebellion

Because we are so handsome and we are so bored
So entertain us, tell me a joke
Make it long, make it last forever
Make it cruel just make me laugh
We can’t be hurt

The full lyrics to this and other Bloc Party songs are available here.

UPDATE: As initially posted, I called the new album by the name of the new single, “I Still Remember.” It’s now been corrected.

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