Things best left not reported to the police:

From the Cameron Herald (Texas), via Vice Squad:

[L]ast Friday evening[,] a man walked into the [police] department to report that a woman had stolen his crack cocaine. . . .

[Police officer Philip] Anelli said the man told him that he and a woman were riding around when he decided to pay for two rocks of crack cocaine. The man planned to smoke one of the rocks and give the other to the woman in exchange for sexual favors. The plan was apparently moving along fine, until the woman smoked both rocks and then ran off without giving up any favors.

Angry, the man went to the police department to turn the woman into the police. . . .

The police pointed out to the man that if his story panned out, both he and the woman would be in pretty serious trouble; “the man weighed his options, then told authorities that he felt like he and the woman could work out the problem on their own, without help from police.”

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