Archive | Criminal Law
Obama Probably Did Not Win the 2012 Election by Violating the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act
A Few Zimmerman-Related Notes
Why George Zimmerman Didn’t Have a Public Defender
Radley Balko’s Rise of the Warrior Cop
By Ilya Somin on July 14, 2013 2:35 pm in Criminal Law, Federalism, Political Ignorance, War on Drugs
Possible Change to Florida Law Following the Zimmerman Verdict?
Koppelman’s Two Gun Minimum
By Eugene Kontorovich on July 10, 2013 10:40 pm in Constitutional Law, Constitutional Theory, Criminal Law, Guns, Seventh Circuit
Police Should Stop Shooting So Many Dogs
A Real Live Third Amendment Case
George Will on Reducing Mandatory Minimum Sentences
“What Will Happen to Us After We Pass Through the Dark Curtain of Death Is the Ultimate Non-Justiciable Question”
Former Prosecutor (Now Judge) Arrested and Charged for Past Prosecutorial Misconduct
Must the Fair Sentencing Act Be Applied Retroactively?
Why maximal enforcement of federal gun laws is not always a good idea
By David Kopel on April 26, 2013 4:27 am in Commerce Clause, Congress, Constitutional Law, Criminal Law, Federalism, Guns, Immigration, Necessary and Proper, Supreme Court, War on Drugs