Archive | Food and Drink
Flipping on Trans Fats
Teaching Carnivorous Fish to Be Vegetarians
NY appellate court rules 5-0 against Bloomberg soda ban
By David Kopel on July 30, 2013 2:02 pm in "Bullying" Bans, Administrative Law, Constitutional Law, Executive Branch, Food and Drink, Growth of Government, Health Care, New Class, Paternalism, Separation of Powers
Rethinking “Calories In, Calories Out”
The Art of Russian Cuisine
New York Judge Nixes Super-Size Soda Ban
Are Plastic Grocery Bag Bans Bad for Public Health?
Did White House Suppress Science on GMO Salmon?
Is Organic Food Healthier or Safer?
How Not to Label Biotech Foods
By Jonathan H. Adler on August 31, 2012 8:15 am in Food and Drink, Freedom of Speech, Junk Science and Quackspertise, Politicizing Science