Archive | Freedom to Gather Information
The Aurora Mass Shooting, Choice of Law, and Newsgatherer Shield Statutes
Google Books’ Scanning and Snippet Display of Books Is Fair Use, and Thus Not Copyright Infringement
By Eugene Volokh on November 14, 2013 1:54 pm in Copyright, Freedom of Speech, Freedom to Gather Information
Campus Videorecording and Bans on “Harassment” and “Intimidation”
By Eugene Volokh on November 12, 2013 12:23 am in Freedom of Speech at Colleges and Universities, Freedom to Gather Information
Court Upholds Ban on Photographing Border Checkpoint
Texas Ban on Photographing People Without Their Consent “With Intent to Arouse or Gratify the Sexual Desire of Any Person”
Will NYT’s James Risen go to Jail?
Whistle-Blower, Criminal, or Both?
By Jonathan H. Adler on June 11, 2013 9:59 pm in Freedom to Gather Information, Government Transparency, War on Terror
Did Eric Holder Lie to Congress?
Jonathan Adler on Leak Investigations
Leakers, Recipients, and Conspirators
Is the Seizure of the AP’s Phone Records a “Non-Story”?
Justice Department Seized AP Phone Records
By Jonathan H. Adler on May 13, 2013 8:04 pm in Executive Branch, Freedom to Gather Information, Press, War on Terror
Photographer Peter Parker Couldn’t Be Reached for Comment
Arrest for “HIPAA Violation” Based on Citizen’s Recording of Encounter Between Police and Another Citizen
By Eugene Volokh on January 9, 2013 11:04 pm in Freedom of Speech, Freedom to Gather Information, Privacy