Archive | Freedom to Gather Information
First Amendment Right to Record the Police Performing Their Duties in Public
Seventh Circuit: Ban on Audio Recording of Police Officers Likely Unconstitutional
Texas Ban on Photographing People Without Their Consent “With Intent to Arouse or Gratify the Sexual Desire of Any Person”
Viewpoint Discrimination in K-12 School Library Filtering
By Eugene Volokh on February 16, 2012 5:21 pm in Cyberspace Law, Freedom of Speech at K-12 Schools, Freedom to Gather Information, Gay Rights, Sexual Orientation
The Original and Traditional Meaning of “Freedom … of the Press”
By Eugene Volokh on January 2, 2012 3:29 pm in Defamation, Freedom of Speech, Freedom to Gather Information, Restrictions on Campaign Contrbs. and Expenses
First Amendment Right to Openly Record Police Officers in Public
Litigation Over Seizure of Photographer’s Camera
New Jersey Supreme Court Interprets State Media Shield Statute
Setback for James O’Keefe and Hannah Giles in Illegal Recording Lawsuit Brought by California ACORN Staffer
School District Seeks Injunction Ordering Citizens to Stop Submitting Requests
Hawaii Ban on Photographing Human Remains Older Than 50 Years?
Don’t Photograph That Farm!
By Eugene Volokh on March 8, 2011 5:54 pm in Freedom to Gather Information, Non-Unanimous Criminal Verdicts