Archive | Russia
Russian Authorities Ban Toy Protest Because Toys “Are Not Even People”
By Ilya Somin on February 18, 2012 1:10 am in Freedom of Speech, Restrictions on Campaign Contrbs. and Expenses, Russia
The 20th Anniversary of the End of the Soviet Union
George Orwell on Democracy and Political Ignorance
Vladimir Putin and the 22nd Amendment
By Ilya Somin on September 30, 2011 1:14 am in Constitutional Amendments, Constitutional History, Constitutional Law, Russia
The 50th Anniversary of the Erection of the Berlin Wall
Yelena Bonner, RIP
Debate on Libya and the War Powers Act
By David Kopel on June 9, 2011 12:56 am in Constitutional Law, Global Governance/World Government, International Human Rights Law, International Law, Russia
Tyler Cowen on the Political Attitudes of Russian Jewish Immigrants
Why the World is Better Off Without the USSR
Hollywood’s First Gulag Movie
Political Attitudes of Russian Jewish Immigrants
By Ilya Somin on January 3, 2011 2:19 pm in Communism, Conservatism, Immigration, Libertarianism, Russia
The Jackson-Vanik Amendment and Jewish Emigration from the USSR
Did Joseph Stalin Commit Genocide?
By Ilya Somin on November 23, 2010 3:14 am in Communism, Genocide, International Human Rights Law, International Law, Russia