[Andrew Morriss (guest-blogging), August 25, 2005 at 9:59pm] Trackbacks

It has been enlightening in many ways to spend time here. Thanks to Eugene for the invitation and to all for the useful comments and the many emails off-line.

The new semester starts next week and it's time for me to get to work. I've also begun a new blog with Tom Bogart (York College), P.J. Hill (Wheaton College & PERC), Fr. Charles Nalls (Christ the King (in Washington, D.C.)) & Fr. Michael Butler (St. Innocent Orthodox Church, Olmstead Falls, OH) on the intersection of religion and economics: St. Maximos' Hut. (If you want the derivation of the name you have to check out the blog.) You can visit us here. We're new, so come back periodically and see what develops. It is an interesting crew and we already have our first disagreement.