Scalia's Infidelity at UCLA
On Thursday I will be speaking at UCLA School of Law on Scalia's Infidelity: A Critique of Faint-Hearted Originalism, a topic on which I spoke last week at the University of Iowa. The program will be at 12:30-1:20 p.m. in Room 1327. Be sure to introduce yourself as a VC reader.
This will be my last talk of the school year. This year has been extremely intense, starting with my visit in the fall semester to Georgetown, during which time I commuted home to Boston on weekends. Then this semester, I crammed a year's worth of conferences and speaking invitations into one semester, at the same time I ended up having to brief and argue the Raich case in the Ninth Circuit and house-hunt in DC. I am looking to a more tranquil summer during which I can make progress on the new Constitutional Law casebook I am writing, as well as doing some more blogging, before moving to the Georgetown University Law Center in the fall.
This will be my last talk of the school year. This year has been extremely intense, starting with my visit in the fall semester to Georgetown, during which time I commuted home to Boston on weekends. Then this semester, I crammed a year's worth of conferences and speaking invitations into one semester, at the same time I ended up having to brief and argue the Raich case in the Ninth Circuit and house-hunt in DC. I am looking to a more tranquil summer during which I can make progress on the new Constitutional Law casebook I am writing, as well as doing some more blogging, before moving to the Georgetown University Law Center in the fall.