
Amazon suggested, based on my purchase and ratings history, that I might enjoy a new edition of The Apostolic Fathers. Sadly, the "look inside" feature doesn't allow me to see any actual text. But, interestingly, one of the editorial reviews says: "This updated edition of Holmess 1992 Greek-English diglot edition of the Apostolic Fathers is arguably the best collection of these writings available."

We're not just bilingual here, we're diglottic! (Similarly, as we see in McClintock's Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological, and Ecclesiastical Literature, "The conquests of Alexander and of Rome had made men diglottic to an extent that has no parallel in history.")

I favor diglottism, unlike televisions, automobiles, and homosexuality, which I oppose. Anyone care to guess why? (Hint: Look up page 91 of Tom Stoppard's The Invention of Love on Amazon.)