Here, according to an email I received from the NY Times, are the 10 "most read" articles in 2006:
1) What Shamu Taught Me About a Happy Marriage
2) The 10 Best Books of 2006
3) Questions Couples Should Ask (Or Wish They Had) Before
4) Climate Expert Says NASA Tried to Silence Him
5) Colliding With Death at 37,000 Feet, and Living
6) What Is the Best Work of American Fiction of the Last 25
7) Lure of Great Wealth Affects Career Choices
8) Yankee Dies in Plane Crash, Official Says
9) A Face Is Exposed for AOL Searcher No. 4417749
10) A Ring Tone Meant to Fall on Deaf Ears
Damned if I can make sense of it . . . Of course, maybe there's just no sense to be made. It does strike me as interesting that two of the articles were about books -- and "Lure of Great Wealth Affects Career Choices" surely is one of the funniest "Man Bites Dog" headlines of the year, if not of all time. It should be chiseled in stone at the entrance to, say, the Goldman Sachs HR office, or the Harvard Business School.
Ten Best: