I'm off to Poland for a few days to do a presentation at the IVR World Congress on Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy in Cracow. I will be talking about political ignorance, "voting with your feet," and their implications for democracy on the Special Panel on Libertarianism organized by Japanese legal academic Susumu Morimura. The panel will be held on Thursday, August 2, at 3 PM, in the Larisch Palace at the Jagiellonian University (complete schedule of workshops here, with my panel on pg. 58). If you are attending the conference or (less likely) are a VC reader based in Cracow, feel free to come to the panel, which should be extremely interesting.
I also look forward to seeing Poland, which was an inspiration to so many of us during the struggle against communism in the 1980s, and a generally successful example of post-communist transition since then.