Sunday Song Lyric:
In celebration of its 40th anniversary, the American Film Institute has revised its list of the 100 greatest American films (reg. req'd). It has also compiled a series of other lists, including the 100 greatest movie songs. "Over the Rainbow" from the Wizard of Oz tops the list, and it is hard to quarrel with that selection. Still, I prefer the tune that came in second, "As Time Goes By," from Casablanca. Interestingly enough, the song was not written for the movie, and the version featured in the movie was never released as a single. Still, it is hard for me to associate the song with anything else. It simply belongs at Rick's.

I suspect many readers are already familiar with the lyrics. Nonetheless, here are the opening verses:

You must remember this
A kiss is still a kiss, a sigh is just a sigh
The fundamental things apply
As time goes by

And when two lovers woo
They still say, "I love you"
On that you can rely
No matter what the future brings
As time goes by.
A Casablanca-based video of the song is on YouTube here.