Reader Poll on McCain Campaign's Decision to Suspend Operation Until Congress Deals with Financial Crisis:

What do you think of John McCain's decision to suspend his campaign in light of the financial crisis? Pick the correct box based on your likely voting in the election and whether you think McCain acted correctly (that is, appropriately and properly in light of the financial crisis) or you think McCain acted incorrectly (that is, inappropriately and improperly in light of the financial crisis).
I am a likely Obama voter, and I think McCain acted correctly.
I am a likely Obama voter, and I think McCain acted incorrectly.
I am a likely McCain voter, and I think McCain acted correctly.
I am a likely McCain voter, and I think McCain acted incorrectly.
I am a likely but undecided voter, and I think McCain acted correctly.
I am a likely but undecided voter, and I think McCain acted incorrectly.
I am not likely to vote, plan to vote for a third party, or cannot vote, and I think McCain acted correctly.
I am not likely to vote, plan to vote for a third party, or cannot vote, and I think McCain acted incorrectly.
I don't know what to think of it.
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  UPDATE: I have corrected the options to explicitly make way for third party voters.