Amusing Math Problem, Which Even Lawyers Know Enough Math To Solve:

From Misha Lemeshko, via my friend Haym Hirsh. I'm not sure I rate it as highly as Lemeshko did, but it's worth checking out.

8809 = 6
7111 = 0
2172 = 0
6666 = 4
1111 = 0
3213 = 0
7662 = 2
9312 = 1
0000 = 4
2222 = 0
3333 = 0
5555 = 0
8193 = 3
8096 = 5
7777 = 0
9999 = 4
7756 = 1
6855 = 3
9881 = 5
5531 = 0
2581 = ?

The source page is apparently in Byelorussian, or so I'd guess: The text is not in Russian, the text is roughly intelligible by a Russian speaker, and the page is on a .by domain. I'm told the source page is in Russian, though with a heavy dose of slang.