Newsweek Previews Debate Over Koh:

Newsweek features an essay by Stuart Taylor and Evan Thomas previewing the debate over the nomination of Harold Koh to the State Department and the broader question of the proper use of foreign and international law in U.S. courts. As the article notes, Koh is a highly regarded academic, at the top of his field. He is "well within the mainstream of the academic establishment at elite law schools like Yale—but the mainstream runs pretty far to the left." And this is particularly true in the field of international law. As I've said before, I think the President is entitled to name as his advisors those who share his views and policy agenda. But I also think Koh's stated positions on various issues, from the legality of the Iraq War to the relevance of international law to whether the death penalty is constitutional, could make for an interesting confirmation hearing.

Related Posts (on one page):

  1. Newsweek Previews Debate Over Koh:
  2. Questions for Harold Koh: