The manuscript for my new coursebook with Maxwell Stearns, Public Choice Concepts and Applications in Law, was sent off to West on Monday. We expect page proofs in September or thereabouts with hard copy shipping in October. It will be published by West.
If you are interested in seeing the book for possible adoption to teach the course drop me an email and I'll get you on our distribution list. The book will certainly be available for use for Spring 2010 semester. If you are interested in teaching the course during Fall 2009 we can try to make that work too. We already have all the materials posted on a TWEN page for download in manuscript form.
The book is suitable for teaching as a paper-writing seminar or as a course with a final exam. It is also suitable for use to teach a similar course in Economics or Political Science. It is also suitable, I think, for those who have been teaching classes in Law & Positive Political Theory, as we integrate those materials into this project. We have organized the book conceptually so that even though the case illustrations are drawn from American law it can be used in foreign countries as well.
The book will be published in paperback so the price should be affordable. Drop me a line if you want more information or are interested in adoption.