An email from Yale:
It gives me great pleasure to announce the appointment of Robert C. Post '77JD as the Dean and Sol and Lillian Goldman Professor of Law, effective July 1, 2009. Professor Post, who returned to Yale in 2003 as the David Boies Professor of Law, is a distinguished scholar of constitutional law, in particular the First Amendment, equal protection, and legal history. As a leading scholar and a respected citizen of the legal profession, he is ideally positioned to move the Yale Law School forward. He is greatly admired by his colleagues for his wisdom and judgment, and his commitment to sustaining the excellence of the Law School is unwavering.
Congratulations to Prof. Post, whose work I greatly admire.
I'm sure dean-elect Post faces many interesting challenges an opportunities. But those of us who write in the area of constitutional history want to know what this will mean for his volume-in-progress on the Taft Court for the Holmes Devise History of the Supreme Court.