Alien Tort Statute Exchange over at Opinio Juris:

There's an interesting exchange going on over at the international law blog Opinio Juris on the Alien Tort Statute ... I put up a post citing to a short, decently explanatory, and even-handed news article in the Wall Street Journal by Nathan Koppel on the effect of ATS litigation as it reaches to corporations. I reproduce my post below. My co-blogger, international criminal law professor Kevin Jon Heller, responded with a post of his own criticizing one section of the article, quoting Joe Cyr, a New York attorney with a practice in corporate ATS defense. Mr. Cyr is kind enough to respond to KJH in the comments, and it unfolds from there. Interesting exchange; check it out.

Below the fold is my original ATS post at OJ. As readers of my stuff are aware, I am highly skeptical of the corporate liability claim in ATS litigation; I'm working, or will shortly be working, on something about it, but meanwhile, my basic view is set out in this expert declaration on behalf of corporate defendants in the Agent Orange ATS suit in front of Judge Weinstein a couple of years ago.
