It's Like Ping-Pong of the Mind!
OJ Co-Blogger Duncan Hollis Responds to VC Co-Blogger Eric Posner on the question of classes in public international law. (I will try to find a moment to weigh in on this, but I'm trying to make the final copy edits to my Targeted Killing chapter, finish my long-suffering UN-US relations manuscript, and help my daughter paint her room a tasteful eggshell blue while my Beloved Wife is in Guatemala over the weekend.) I'm also going to add, apropos of nothing in particular, that while I like the title of Eric's book, The Perils of Global Legalism, I probably would have named it, Parlous Global Legalism. I've always wanted to have an academic title with "Parlous" in it.
Related Posts (on one page):
- Michael Scharf on International Law in the First Year:
- It's Like Ping-Pong of the Mind!
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