Kessler's a Drag
Alexander Volokh
Wall Street Journal, August 8, 1995
During World War II, you could unmask a Nazi soldier
masquerading as an American GI by asking him, "Who won the World
Series?" Today, in the nicotine debate, one question is a
similar giveaway. Ask someone, "Is smoking addictive, and do
people know this?"
"No" to the first part means you're talking
to a tobacco company president. "No" to the second part means
you're talking to Food and Drug Administration Commissioner David Kessler.
Whoever doesn't know that cigarettes are addictive and
deadly has been living in a cave.
People have
known that cigarettes, tar, and nicotine are bad at least since
the 1950s. When the cancer connection was first proposed,
low-tar and low-nicotine cigarettes quickly appeared on the
market with no prodding from the government. Cigarette companies
aggressively tried to gain market share by scaring smokers about
their competitors' tar and nicotine levels -- even though the
Federal Trade Commission banned such advertising in 1954. From
1957 to 1959, tar and nicotine contents dropped 40% because of
consumer demand. The FTC eventually cracked down on violators
in 1959, but then it reversed course, allowing nicotine
advertising in 1966 and mandating it in 1970. Today, all
cigarette ads indicate tar and nicotine contents.
According to Kip Viscusi, professor of economics at Duke
University, people today actually
overestimate the risks of smoking. The average American
estimates the risk of dying from lung cancer because of smoking
at 38%. The true risk is between 6 and 13%. The average American estimates
the total risk of dying because of smoking at 54%. The true risk
is between 18 and 36%. Prof. Viscusi calculates that if people had accurate
perceptions of smoking risks, smoking actually would increase by
about 7%.
Dr. Kessler tells us, "The public thinks of cigarettes as
simply blended tobacco rolled in paper. But they are much more
than that. Some of today's cigarettes may, in fact, qualify as
high technology nicotine delivery systems that deliver nicotine
in precisely calculated quantities." But smokers don't need
tobacco companies to manipulate their nicotine intake -- they do
it themselves all the time. They do it by choosing which brand
to smoke (nicotine contents range from 0.05 to 2 mg), how often
to light up, and how deeply and often to puff. Smokers may not
know exactly what secret herbs and spices cigarette companies add
to tobacco, but they're well aware of the risk.
The surprising thing about the modern antismoking movement
isn't that it wants to regulate a personal choice. That's
nothing new. What is new is how disingenuous the movement has
become. In the early 1900s, during the first wave of
anticigarette sentiment, people at least said that they opposed
smoking on moral grounds. Today, the Kesslers of the world
pretend to be scientists, acting
as if their recommendations hinged on some new evidence. They
don't, and it's dishonest to say otherwise. But while everyone
sees through tobacco companies' dubious claims, Dr. Kessler's are
Underage smoking is a real concern, and there are probably
steps that the government should take to reduce children's access to
cigarettes. But what sort of society are the antismokers
creating for our children? Says Sam Kazman, general counsel of the
Competitive Enterprise Institute, "Personally, I don't want my
children to smoke when they grow up. I also don't want them to
ride motorcycles or fly hang-gliders. But most of all, I don't
want them to grow up thinking these aren't their decisions to
Alexander Volokh is a policy analyst at the Reason Foundation, a
public policy think tank in Los Angeles.
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