
Arab Conspiracy Theories About Israel:

How deep and irrational is the Arab world’s hatred and suspicion of Israel? Consider this. The Jerusalem Post reports that Hafez Hafi, an Israeli Arab man from Lod, a mixed Arab-Jewish neigbhorhood, was killed in the Sinai bombings. The victim’s family is well-integrated into Israeli society, owning successful businesses and having many Jewish friends. Who do his sisters blame for the bombings? “‘People say it was al-Qaida,’ says Muna Hafi, 40, Hafez’s sister. ‘I don’t believe it. I think this was done by Jewish people.’…. Muna’s sister Yasmin agrees with her.” The theory is that the Israeli government did it to try to encourage tourists to go to Eilat instead of Sinai. The author tries to put a positive spin on all this, noting that Muna ultimately concedes that Muslims “may” have been responsible for the bombings. I take cold comfort in this “concession.” If even well-integrated Israeli Arabs are inclined to believe the wildlest conspiracy theories about the Israel government, and are so disinclined to acknowledge Arab and Muslim responsibility for terrorism, one can barely imagine how much worse the situation must be in the rest of the Arab/Muslim world, and how dim the hopes are for peace for Israel, or the rest of us for that matter.

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