Appearance on NPR’s On The Media:

I appeared on this radio this weekend discussing hate speech, free speech, and the Mohammed cartoons, and you can find my interview on the show’s website. Scroll to “speech impediment,” and, after clicking on the link, go to approximately 2:45.

Unfortunately, if you keep listening, you will find that the next guest is Juan Cole, who attributes the Muslim world’s reaction to the legacy of “European racism and anti-Semitism” (by which he means anti-Arab sentiment; here is yet another reason to disdain Prof. Cole–the phrase anti-Semitism was invented by those who hated Jews on “racial” grounds, and has a generally accepted meaning of “anti-Jewish.” Apologists for anti-Semitism in the Arab world like to say things like, “we can’t be anti-Semitic, we are Semites ourselves.” Wikipedia has a very useful entry (though of course it can change at any moment) on anti-Semitism, including the way the phrase is misused to downplay anti-Semitism in the Arab world.)

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