Update of Post on Conjugal Visitors for Women Terrorists in Israeli Jails:

A few weeks ago I wrote about a segment I saw on Israeli t.v. about Palestinians who intended to commit suicide murders who had babies in Israeli prisons. My Hebrew is inadequate, but my Israeli hosts told me that (as I had understood) the pregnancies were the result of conjugal visits.

A reader writes to state that he viewed the same segment I did, and that he does not think that the segment specficied that the pregnancies were the result of conjugal visits. He also notes that some pro-Palestinian sources claim any pregnant terrorists in Israeli jails were in that condition before Israel caught them. And, I’ve since learned that that Palestinian religious fanatics sometimes will “allow” sexually “errant” women to restore their family’s honor by serving as suicide murderers. In short, I’m not sure when and how the women in the segment became pregnant.

Moreover, contrary to the impression that may have been left by my post, my current understanding is that security prisoners in Israel are generally not permitted conjugal visits, though exceptions are made. (Security prisoners are also generally officially denied many other privileges, but those rules have not, for example, been enforced to prevent convicted terrorist murderer Marwan Barghouti from running a massive political operation while in jail.) If anyone knows of an (English) link to the the Israeli Supreme Court’s opinion denying Rabin assassin Yigal Amir conjugal visits, please let me know; this opinion would likely shed light on Israeli law regarding security prisoners and conjugal visits.

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