Oral Argument in Scott v. Harris:

Tomorrow the Supreme Court is holding oral argument in Scott v. Harris, the Fourth Amendment excessive force case that I have blogged about (and for which I am co-counsel for the petitioner). Unfortunately I won’t be at the argument: My efforts to return to DC from Chicago today after the Federalist Society student symposium at Northwestern have been stymied by the major storm that hit both Chicago and the DC area, which means that I won’t be able to get a flight back to DC until Monday night at the earliest. I hope to blog about the argument when the Court releases the transcript tomorrow afternoon, but I may be en route all day so it’s hard to know. (It would be particularly nice to have the audio of the argument to listen to as well, as I could give you a more informed take on what the Justices were thinking, but the Court does not release audio tapes of most arguments until enough time passes that no one cares anymore.) Meanwhile, there has been a lot of press coverage of the case today, both in print and on TV. Warren Richey of the Christian Science Monitor offers his take here.

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