Jordan, Egypt, and the Palestinians:

In January 2006, I wrote:

If Hamas turns out to be unwilling to turn itself into a non-terrorist movement that Israel can reasonably deal with, Israel will have no choice but to absolutely destroy the Palestinian government. If that’s what happens, the international community may need to rethink the whole idea of a sovereign Palestinian state. Professor Inbar of Bar Ilan University has suggested that Gaza should be confederated with Egypt, and the West Bank with Jordan, with these governments, which have peace treaties with Israel, having security responsibility. In my opinion, such a plan would make Palestinian independence/autonomy much more viable from both a political and economic perspective. It would obviously take significant change international attitudes to move toward that solution, but an unrepentant Hamas terrorist government in the Palestinian areas might just move opinion in that direction.

As it turns out, the Palestinian government is succeeding at destroying itself without much help from Israel, and the idea of confederating the Palestinian areas with Jordan and Egypt is gaining traction. Kudos to Prof. Inbar for being well ahead of the curve.

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