
Sasha Singing About Hayek:

Here’s a video someone (I don’t know who) made at an IHS event. Note that the video doesn’t include the entire song, which goes like this:

We’re doing battle with statists
Across the USA,
‘Cause everybody’s reading Hayek,
The man from Austri-ay —
In spontaneous order
We let the market play,
With the writer Fred Hayek,

We use the signals of prices
And then we’ll be O.K.,
‘Cause no one knows what’s efficient
Unless they have to pay;
If we replace that with planning
Like once in Russ-i-ay, [pronounced “Rush-Eye-Ay”]
We’ll take the road to serfdom —
Serfdom USA.

[Backup singers should at this point start singing, “Serfdom, serfdom USA, Friedrich H-A-Y-E-K.”]

We still have government bureaus,
Just like the FDA, [replace with three-letter agency of your choice ending in A]
But the welfare state mindset
Will soon become passe.
Ayn Rand said he was evil,
Which makes him A-O.K. —
Friedrich August von Hayek, H-A-Y-E-K.

For another Hayek song, see here.

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