
The Annals of Objective Reporting

Ryan J. Foley, AP, begins a “news” article as follows: “To end a high-stakes stalemate over union rights that has captured the nation’s attention, a handful of Republican lawmakers in Wisconsin might have to stand up to their new governor.”

There is no indication in the article that such defections are in any way likely. Indeed, later in the article, Foley writes, “So far, there’s little evidence of a move to compromise.”

As near as I can tell, the stalemate could also be ended with the defection of some Democrats to the governor’s side, though Foley doesn’t choose to mention that option.

Just a bizarre bit of editorializing disguised as news, with the rest of the article just as one-sided.

UPDATE: The story cited above has now been replaced at its link with a new story by a different author with a more appropriate lead: “No resolution appeared imminent Monday to the stalemate over union rights in Wisconsin, leaving Senate Republicans resigned to forge ahead with less-controversial business such as tax breaks for dairy farmers and commending the Green Bay Packers on winning the Super Bowl.”

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