George Mason Seeks Law Professors

I’m posting this on behalf of my colleague Ross Davies.

George Mason University School of Law may have one or more tenure-track or visiting positions available starting in the fall of 2013. Both beginning and experienced professors will be considered. Candidates should have a distinguished academic record and a demonstrated commitment to scholarship. At senior levels, candidates should be established scholars. Please visit to apply for position F9054z in order to submit your application, curriculum vitae and any other pertinent information. Candidates are strongly discouraged from mailing information to the GMU School of Law. Deadline for applications is May 1, 2013. George Mason University is an equal opportunity employer encouraging diversity. Questions? Please feel free to email Ross Davies at [email protected].

Ross didn’t authorize me to say so, but to preempt an obvious question George Mason generally looks for “best available all-around athletes” rather than specific subject areas.

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