
The Volokh Conspiracy’s New Latin America Correspondent

will be me!

Barring the unforeseen, my family is moving in January to Lima, Peru for a couple of years for my wife’s job.  I’ll be on leave from George Mason, but I may arrange do some teaching in the U.S. via commuting in 2014.  Blogging will continue, though I may be throwing in occasional palabras en espanol.  (Si, ha estudiado  espanol para unas meses, pero todavia no puedo entender cuando alguien habla rapido.)

Meanwhile, I don’t think I’ve mentioned that we had a baby boy in September, who joins his two big sisters.  Lots of excitement in the Bernstein household.

Now all we have to do is pack, sell two cars (including our beloved low-mileage 2002 Lexus IS 300 Sportcross, which is the greatest car ever, but yours for a reasonable price (seriously)!), rent our house, and move in to our temporary housing, get the kids settled, hire a Peruvian nanny… It gives me a headache just thinking about it.

Blogging, as you might imagine, will be intermittent at best for a while.

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