Author Archive | Kenneth Anderson
SCOTUS Affirms Second Circuit Dismissal of ATS Suit in Kiobel v Royal Dutch Petroleum
The Debate About to Heat Up Over HRW’s Call to Ban “Killer Robots,” AKA Autonomous Weapon Systems
By Kenneth Anderson on April 13, 2013 7:13 pm in Human Rights Watch, International Law, National Security, Robotics, War and Armed Conflict
How To Declare War (Anno Domini, 1429)
Gas Laws, Flocking Behavior, and the Mosh Pit
US Surveillance Drones Aid French Airstrikes in Mali
By Kenneth Anderson on March 4, 2013 1:01 pm in National Security, Robotics, Science Fiction/Fantasy, War and Armed Conflict
Whale Wars Update: Ninth Circuit Calls Sea Shepherd Actions “Piracy”
House Judiciary Committee Feb 27 Hearing on “Drones and the War on Terror”
C-SPAN Book TV Interview on ‘Living With the UN: American Responsibilities and International Interests’
UN Invokes Absolute Legal Immunity in Haiti Cholera Victim Claims
What (Legally) Happens to Our Social Media Accounts When We Die?
A Gradual Shift in Human Attitudes Toward Emotional Interaction with Robots?
When Everyone Wins … With a Zero
Arming a Hobbyist Drone with a Paintball Gun
The Drone White Paper, Imminence, and “Active Self-Defense”
By Kenneth Anderson on February 7, 2013 12:53 pm in Targeted Killing, War and Armed Conflict, War on Terror