Archive | Self-Defense
Evolving Christian Attitudes Towards Personal and National Self-Defense
By David Kopel on November 26, 2013 6:05 pm in Civil Rights, Communism, Equal Protection, Guns, McDonald v. City of Chicago, Politics, Popular Culture, Religion, Self-Defense
Knives and the Second Amendment
By David Kopel on November 23, 2013 6:14 pm in Constitutional History, Constitutional Law, Criminal Law, History, Militia, Non-Firearms Arms, Right to carry, Self-Defense
May Employer Fire Employee Based on Employee’s Reasonable On-the-Job Self-Defense?
The U.N. Weighing in on the Zimmerman/Martin Investigation
Interesting Self-Defense Story
Losing Self-Defense Rights If You Refuse to Comply with Attacker’s Demands to Abstain from Conduct?
Cathy Young on Race and Self-Defense
Duty to Retreat and Stand Your Ground: Counting the States
A Correction and Apology Regarding the New York Times Zimmerman Editorial
Provocation and Self-Defense
Successes in Colorado Sheriffs’ Second Amendment case
By David Kopel on July 15, 2013 6:20 pm in Civil Rights, Constitutional Law, Guns, Legal Terms, Self-Defense