Archive | Gay Rights
New Mexico Supreme Court Strikes Down State Law Limiting Marriage to Opposite-Sex Couples
By Ilya Somin on December 19, 2013 8:17 pm in Gay Marriage, Gay Rights, Same-Sex Marriage, Sex Discrimination
Brown v. Buhman isn’t so complicated
By David Kopel on December 14, 2013 4:35 am in Criminal Law, Fourteenth Amendment, Gay Rights, Privacy, Religion and the Law, Religious Freedom, Sexual Conduct Restrictions, Sexual Orientation, Supreme Court, Television
Germany’s President May Be Boycotting the Sochi Olympics
Religious Liberty and SSM: A Response to Concerns in Illinois
By Dale Carpenter on October 30, 2013 2:14 pm in Gay Marriage, Gay Rights, Religion and the Law, Religious Freedom, Same-Sex Marriage, Sexual Orientation
How Bigoted Speech Advances Equality
Could Doctors’ Public Condemnation of Homosexuality Lead to Medical Board Investigation of Doctors?
Two Upcoming Speaking Engagements
By Ilya Somin on September 30, 2013 1:20 pm in Democracy and Political Ignorance, Gay Marriage, Gay Rights, Same-Sex Marriage
Labor Department Extends ERISA Protections to Same-Sex Spouses
By Dale Carpenter on September 18, 2013 11:04 pm in Beyond DOMA, ERISA, Gay Marriage, Gay Rights, Same-Sex Marriage
Censorship of Pro-Gay Movies in Russia
Should We Boycott the Sochi Olympics?
Did the Obama Administration have a Duty to Defend DOMA?
By Ilya Somin on June 30, 2013 5:20 pm in Constitutional Theory, DOMA, Gay Marriage, Gay Rights, Presidency