Archive | Politicizing Science
Pat Robertson: Young-Earth Creationism Is “Not the Bible”
Mann v. Steyn — The Defendants Respond
By Jonathan H. Adler on October 25, 2012 8:51 pm in Climate Change, Defamation, Freedom of Speech, Politicizing Science
Mann v. Steyn — Popcorn Time
By Jonathan H. Adler on October 23, 2012 2:19 pm in Climate Change, Defamation, Freedom of Speech, Politicizing Science
Carbon-Free Carbohydrates?
By Jonathan H. Adler on September 11, 2012 9:32 am in Junk Science and Quackspertise, Politicizing Science
How Not to Label Biotech Foods
By Jonathan H. Adler on August 31, 2012 8:15 am in Food and Drink, Freedom of Speech, Junk Science and Quackspertise, Politicizing Science
The End of (the Debate Over) Evolution
Heartland’s Mad Billboard Stunt
By Jonathan H. Adler on May 9, 2012 10:40 am in Climate Change, Energy, Environment, Politicizing Science
IG Inspector Claims White House Obstructed Gulf Drilling Moratorium Report
Have Conservatives Lost Confidence in “Science”?
Climategate Turnabout Continued
Climategate Turnabout
HHS Secretary Overrules FDA Decision on Plan B
ClimateGate Part Deux – Continued
Assessing Endangered Species Science
By Jonathan H. Adler on October 18, 2011 11:01 am in Endangered Species, Environment, Politicizing Science