Archive | Just Compensation Clause
My USA Today Column on the City of Richmond’s Plan to Condemn Mortgages
By Ilya Somin on August 12, 2013 5:12 pm in Eminent Domain, Just Compensation Clause, Property Rights
Will the City of Richmond’s Plan to Condemn Mortgages Really Cost Taxpayers Nothing?
By Ilya Somin on August 9, 2013 8:34 pm in Eminent Domain, Just Compensation Clause, Property Rights
Lawsuit Challenges Richmond, CA’s Plan to Use Eminent Domain to Condemn Mortgages
By Ilya Somin on August 7, 2013 11:10 pm in Eminent Domain, Just Compensation Clause, Kelo, Property Rights
Just Compensation Problems with the City of Richmond’s Plan to Use Eminent Domain to Condemn Mortgages
A Modest But Potentially Significant Supreme Court Victory for Property Rights
By Ilya Somin on June 10, 2013 7:50 pm in Just Compensation Clause, Property Rights, Regulatory Takings
Yun-chien Chang on Takings Compensation
The Takings Clause and Government Destruction of Homeless Persons’ Property
Ensuring “Just Compensation” for Takings of Property with Valuable Potential Future Uses
A Takings Claim Even Environmentalists Could Love
By Jonathan H. Adler on March 30, 2012 12:58 am in Just Compensation Clause, Property Rights, Supreme Court
Takings Issues in the AIG Bailout Litigation
Duke Symposium on Judicial Takings
So Why Not Roe?
By David Bernstein on June 17, 2010 1:50 pm in Constitutional History, Constitutional Law, Due Process Clause Property Rights, Just Compensation Clause, Property Rights, Rehabilitating Lochner