Archive | Regulation
When Rent Control Becomes A Taking (Bis)
Nearing the end of the search for the non-existent limiting principles
By David Kopel on March 29, 2012 4:47 am in Commerce Clause, Constitutional Law, Federalism, Fifth Amendment, Growth of Government, Guns, Health Care, Individual Mandate, Necessary and Proper, New Class, Regulation, Supreme Court, Taxes, Uncategorized
Pool Closed? Blame the ADA
House Passes REINS Act, President Promises Veto
Going Off the Rails Against the REINS Act
The FDA’s Unhealthy Salt Obsession
Misguided Case for Regulatory Moratorium
EPA Postpones Another Air Rule
The IRS Wants to Give Tax Credits for Health Insurance Purchases Beyond Those Provided for in the ACA
By Jonathan H. Adler on September 9, 2011 11:43 am in Administrative Law, Federalism, Health Care, Insurance Exchanges, Regulation