Archive | Taxing and Spending Clause
My Jurist Op Ed on the Sixth Circuit Decision Upholding the Individual Mandate
By Ilya Somin on July 1, 2011 3:58 pm in Commerce Clause, Federalism, Health Care, Individual Mandate, Taxing and Spending Clause
Today’s Sixth Circuit Decision Upholding the Individual Mandate
By Ilya Somin on June 29, 2011 6:52 pm in Commerce Clause, Health Care, Individual Mandate, Taxes, Taxing and Spending Clause
Interview with Cato’s Ilya Shapiro on the legal challenges to the new federal health control law
By David Kopel on April 20, 2011 6:18 pm in Commerce Clause, Constitutional Law, Health Care, Individual Mandate, Taxing and Spending Clause
Akhil Amar’s Defense of the Individual Mandate
By Ilya Somin on February 7, 2011 12:11 am in Commerce Clause, Health Care, Individual Mandate, Taxing and Spending Clause
Today’s Florida District Court Ruling Striking Down the Obamacare Individual Mandate
By Ilya Somin on January 31, 2011 8:01 pm in Commerce Clause, Federalism, Health Care, Individual Mandate, Necessary and Proper, Taxing and Spending Clause
Our Amicus Brief in the Thomas More Law Center Individual Mandate Case
By Ilya Somin on December 30, 2010 10:21 pm in Commerce Clause, Federalism, Health Care, Individual Mandate, Taxes, Taxing and Spending Clause
Thoughts on Today’s Ruling Striking Down the Individual Health Insurance Mandate
By Ilya Somin on December 13, 2010 11:47 pm in Federalism, Health Care, Individual Mandate, Necessary and Proper, Taxing and Spending Clause
New York Times Room for Debate Blog Forum on Today’s Individual Mandate Decision
By Ilya Somin on December 13, 2010 9:50 pm in Commerce Clause, Federalism, Health Care, Individual Mandate, Sports and Games, Taxes, Taxing and Spending Clause
District Court Upholds Individual Mandate Against Challenge Filed by Liberty University
By Ilya Somin on December 1, 2010 10:45 pm in Commerce Clause, Federalism, Health Care, Individual Mandate, Spending Clause, Taxes, Taxing and Spending Clause
My Richmond Times-Dispatch Op Ed on the Obama Health Care Plan Individual Mandate Litigation
By Ilya Somin on November 8, 2010 2:34 am in Commerce Clause, Health Care, Individual Mandate, Necessary and Proper, Spending Clause, Taxing and Spending Clause
The Individual Mandate and the Taxing Power
The Florida District Court Decision Rejecting the Federal Government’s Motion to Dismiss the Case Against the Individual Mandate
By Ilya Somin on October 14, 2010 5:42 pm in Commerce Clause, Federalism, Health Care, Individual Mandate, Necessary and Proper, Spending Clause, Taxes, Taxing and Spending Clause
Kopel comment on states’ victory on health control lawsuit.
By David Kopel on October 14, 2010 5:06 pm in Commerce Clause, Congress, Constitutional Law, Health Care, Individual Mandate, Spending Clause, Standing, Taxes, Taxing and Spending Clause, Tenth Amendment
The Individual Health Care Mandate and Enumerated Powers – Event Audio
By David Kopel on August 7, 2010 6:07 pm in Constitutional Law, Federalism, Health Care, Necessary and Proper, Taxing and Spending Clause, Tenth Amendment