Archive | War on Terror
Did James Clapper Lie to Congress?
By Jonathan H. Adler on June 11, 2013 9:42 pm in Government Transparency, Uncategorized, War on Terror
DoJ Seeks to Keep FISA Court Decision Invalidating NSA Surveillance Under Wraps
Obama’s Speech on Drones and the War on Terror
By Ilya Somin on May 23, 2013 9:00 pm in Drones (UAVs), Targeted Killing, War and Armed Conflict, War on Terror
Human Rights Watch Director Privately Slurs Israel
By Eugene Kontorovich on May 22, 2013 4:30 pm in International Human Rights Law, International Law, Israel, War on Terror
The Case for Drones
By Kenneth Anderson on May 22, 2013 10:50 am in Drones (UAVs), Targeted Killing, Terrorism, War and Armed Conflict, War on Terror
Is the Seizure of the AP’s Phone Records a “Non-Story”?
Justice Department Seized AP Phone Records
By Jonathan H. Adler on May 13, 2013 8:04 pm in Executive Branch, Freedom to Gather Information, Press, War on Terror
Bill to Be Introduced to Increase Armed Services Committees’ Oversight Over Special Operations
By Kenneth Anderson on May 9, 2013 9:48 am in Counter-Terrorism Policy, Drones (UAVs), Military, National Security, Targeted Killing, War and Armed Conflict, War on Terror
My Written Testimony on Drones and Targeted Killing Before the Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on the Constitution, Civil Rights, and Human Rights
Oral Testimony on Drones and Targeted Killing Before the Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on the Constitution, Civil Rights, and Human Rights
My Upcoming Testimony on Drones and The War on Terror Before the Senate Judiciary Subcomittee on the Constitution, Civil Rights, and Human Rights
The American Athens Becomes a Prison City
Upcoming George Mason University Event on Drones and the War on Terror
By Ilya Somin on April 8, 2013 10:40 am in Targeted Killing, Terrorism, War and Armed Conflict, War on Terror
CIA Loses Drone Strike FOIA Appeal
By Jonathan H. Adler on March 15, 2013 12:46 pm in Counter-Terrorism Policy, Government Transparency, Targeted Killing, War on Terror